MySims Wiki

Wendalyn is a witch and owner of a potion shop. She comes from a family of witches and hopes to be the first ever "wonder" witch. In MySims Agents (Wii), she is also a client, who becomes a potential recruit for the Sim Protection Agency after a successful dispatch mission.

Game roles[]


Wendalyn has pale skin, light blue shoulder-length hair with cyan tips and bangs parted in the middle, upturned red eyes, black eyebrows, blush, and a small smile. She wears a black witch outfit and hat with pink laces along with matching socks and shoes, and a belt with a skull on it.

In other games[]

TS2AL Wendalyn figurine

A small figurine of Wendalyn can be made in a cauldron by a witch in The Sims 2: Apartment Life.


Dispatch Missions[]

  • If the player sends Wendalyn on DJ Candy Supergroove's first dispatch mission, Candypaluna, she may reveal to have a crush on Spencer, as she mentions wanting to use a love potion on him.
  • If the player sends Madame Zoe on Wendalyn's dispatch mission, she will reveal they have worked together in the past.
  • Wendalyn will have a relationship with Marlon if the player sends them on each others' dispatch missions.
  • If the player sends Wendalyn on Walker's fifth and final dispatch mission, One More Time, her biggest fear is revealed to be having her broom missing.




  • The Cauldron Creations soundtrack is also used for Violet Nightshade's Abode in MySims Kingdom (Console).
  • Wendalyn said her favorite mummy gave her a birthday gift. She could be referring to Mel.
  • Wendalyn may be over 100 years old, given the fact that her Youth Potion makes her young for a hundred years.


Other languages[]

  • English Flag English: Wendalyn
  • France Flag French: Sylvanlyne
  • Germany Flag German: Wendalyn
  • Japan Flag Japanese: ウェンダリン
  • Poland Flag Polish: Wendalyn



Spooky Sims in MySims

Violet Nightshade | Sir Vincent Skullfinder | Ray | Goth Boy | Raven Wright | Madame Zoe | Yuki | Crystal | Morcubus | Blaine
Brandi | Esma | Mel the Mummy | Wendalyn

Spooky Sims in MySims Kingdom
Violet Nightshade | Morcubus | Yuki | Goth Boy | Sir Vincent Skullfinder
Spooky Essences found in MySims
Amethyst | Black Apple | Black Rose | Dead Wood | Eyeball | Fish Bones | Ghost | Jack O'Lantern | Sad | Scary | Skeleton | Spider | Thorn | Voodoo Doll | Dragon | Bat Fish | Raven | Bat
Spooky Essences found in MySims Kingdom
Alien | Dead Wood | Ghost | Voodoo Doll | Eyeball | Sad | Angry | Scary | Angler | Bat Fish | Piranha | Sea Urchin
Spooky Activity