MySims Wiki

This is just a little game to help cure boredom.

I'm sure most of you all know what the word association game is, but if you don't, I'll explain. Basically, there will be a starter word (which I'll randomly decide) and then the next person writes a word which is associated with the starter word. The next person comments with a word which has relevance to the word before and so on. For example:

Person Uno: Bananas

Person Dos: Yellow

Person Tres: The Sun

Person Dos: The Moon

Person Tres: Night

Person Uno: Bed

You have to wait for atleast one person to comment after you, before you can take another turn. It's just meant to be a fun game and it would be interesting to find out out where we end up. So, I'll put the starter word in the comments and then huzzah! You may start associating! Oooh

((Also, 10,000 edits for me. :0))
