MySims Wiki

Tim is Helen's grandson. He always wears his signature dog hat. Tim is a talented racquetball player who loves to have matches with others. He is also a zookeeper, runs a snack cart, and is Chaz McFreely's right-hand man/number one fan.

Game roles[]


MySims (DS), MySims (Mobile), MySims Kingdom (DS), and MySims Party (DS)[]

Tim has teal eyes and dark blue hair. He wears a dog hat, a yellow-orange shirt, denim overalls, and black shoes.

MySims Agents (Wii)[]

Tim has light blue eyes, similar to Poppy's black eyes, a mouth like Buddy's, and light blue hair. He wears the same shirt and overalls as before, as well as a jacket like the one Chaz wears.

MySims Agents (DS)[]

Tim has teal eyes again, shaped slightly different, and he has dark blue hair again. He now wears a short-sleeved yellow and orange striped shirt, brown shorts, a turquoise apron with a candy on it, white socks, and red sneakers.


  • Tim is Helen's grandson and Rosalyn P. Marshall's first cousin once removed.
  • Supposedly, Tim wears the dog hat to attract tourists to the Resort Island.
  • Tim wants to attract Sims to the Resort Island by telling the player to be a good racquetball player.
  • Tim normally only appears in the DS games, but he also appears in MySims Agents (Wii)
    • MySims Agents is the only game where Tim appears on both the Wii and DS.
    • Tim is the first character introduced in a DS game to appear in a Wii game.
  • In MySims (Mobile), he is called Timmy instead of Tim.
  • Tim has dark blue hair in all the games, except MySims Agents, where he has light blue hair. Although, his character icon and concept art have dark blue hair.
  • Tim makes a cameo in the Dream Card minigame on MySims Kingdom (DS).
  • Tim wears his MySims Kingdom outfit in the credits for MySims Agents (DS).
  • Tim is a collectible figurine in MySims Kingdom (Wii). Once the player presents him to Vic Vector, he says Tim is on a remote part of the kingdom.
  • MySims Racing and MySims SkyHeroes are the only games in which Tim does not appear in.
  • Tim is one of the six Sims to not have a house in MySims Party (DS).
  • Tim has green eyes in all the games he has appears in, except MySims Agents, where he has eyes like Poppy, but pale blue.
  • Tim's voice has been silenced in DS games but in MySims Agents his voice is similar to Goth Boy's, just a little higher pitched.
  • As seen in an early MySims Agents (Wii) screenshot, Tim was originally a recruitable agent.


Other languages[]

  • English: Tim
  • Dutch: Tom
  • French: Thomas
  • Korean: 톰(Tom)
  • Spanish: Tomás
  • German: Peter