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Zoo Alligator

The alligator's cage in the zoo.

The Zoo on your island town is ran by Tim. After being able to sail across the river via Richard's boat, you can visit the zoo, which is all the way to the east.

This zoo was empty, rundown, and lacked animals until Tim decided to show up and help. When Tim found the zoo, the zoo lacked an owner and Tim doesn't know what happened to whoever the previous owner was. He decides to take over the previous owner's job and help take care of any animals that the zoo may have.

However, the zoo is completely empty, so when Tim meets you, Tim will ask you to take snapshots of animals you may found wandering around town with your camera, so he can find them and put them in the zoo to take care of. It takes Tim one time change to get the animal back to zoo before you give him another picture. Once he has captured the animal, you may view them at the zoo, happily playing around in their exhibits.

Dr. Nefario's secret base is hidden in the alligator cage. Once the player infiltrates the base with Mecha-Dog, the alligator is moved to another cage with Mecha-Dog, and the base replaces the cage.

There are 2 colours of each animal to be found for the Zoo.

The Zoo
Animal Location of animal and time Objects needing to be place to find
Dog Likes Sea sides and Snow fields at noon Likes Scarecrows, Gates and Picnic sets
Cat Likes Fields and Race courses at night Likes Benches and Castle towers
Deer Likes Evenings, Fields and Snow fields Likes Objects
Giraffe Likes Fields in the morning Likes Trees, Topiaries and Stone pillars
Pig Likes Fields and Snow fields in the evening Likes Tree stumps and Totem poles
Hippopotamus Likes Field and Seaside at night Likes Fountains and Water fountains
Penguin Likes Snow field in the morning and noon Likes Igloos and Snowmen
Rabbit Likes Fields and Seas in the morning Likes Flower beds and Flower-selling carts
Panda Likes Fields and Seas at noon Likes Swings and Slides

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