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Spookane is a spooky island, home to Goth Boy who lives in a house by the shore, Yuki in her gigantic abandoned castle, Zombie Carl in his swamp near the graveyard, and Morcubus who resides in his manor. Grandma Ruthie also opens a cookie shop on the island, selling her cookies and hoping for successful business. Violet Nightshade used to live in Spookane, but missed her little sister Poppy, so she left to live with her on Cutopia. Violet occasionally regrets her actions and wished to move back before taking a liking to a tower in Cutopia that reminded her of Spookane.


The Royal Wandolier, Lyndsay, and Buddy arrive on the island to discover it lives up to its namesake. It's a very spooky and dark island and Buddy is very aware of this, cowering in fear. Lyndsay urges him on and the group continues. After Buddy agrees to go forward, the group meets the resident known as Goth Boy. After Lyndsay introduces the Wandolier and Buddy to Goth Boy, he questions the purpose of the three's quest, wondering how helping people would be fun and explaining life has no meaning. Lyndsay is furious and sets out to prove Goth Boy wrong. He tells her of a special book inside the castle on the hill that towers above all of Spookane, and explains the castle belongs to the evil Morcubus, ruler of Spookane. He claims the book will tell them the meaning of life.

The Wandolier makes way towards the castle with Buddy, Lyndsay, and Goth Boy, only to run into a strange girl who jumps out of nowhere, and laughs maniacally. Goth Boy introduces the girl as Yuki. She screams at the Wandolier, Lyndsay, and Buddy, threatening to bite their faces and seems to have an attraction to Buddy, much to Buddy's chagrin. Yuki demands The Wandolier to bring her "shinies", or she will not let them pass. After doing so, The Wandolier moves on through Spookane, coming to a swamp and a locked gate blocking the way to the castle. Goth Boy wonders if Zombie Carl has the key, which he does. He introduces himself as the undead gate keeper, and refuses to hand over the key, unless the Wandolier can spruce up the swamp for him. After doing so, the Wandolier proceeds through the gate, past a cemetery on the hill, but is stopped by a giant billboard advertising cookies blocking the bridge. The Wandolier will then discover a cookie shop and meet the owner, Grandma Ruthie, who plans to sell her cookies on Spookane. She promises to take down her billboard if the Wandolier will help her with business. Goth Boy suggests making her cute cookie shop a bit more to the liking of Spookane's residents. After succeeding, Grandma Ruthie thanks the Wandolier and removes the billboard, allowing the group to continue onto the castle. Upon arrival, the Wandolier meets the dreaded and evil Morcubus, who refuses to let them into the castle. So with a bit of gear work, the Wandolier opens the gate with gears and takes the book.

Back at the shore, the Wandolier and Goth Boy find the book is completely blank. Goth Boy explains that must mean life really has no meaning at all. Lyndsay counters this by saying life is about helping people, showing Goth Boy about all the good things they did on Spookane: helping Yuki, Carl, and Ruthie. Goth Boy accepts this and claims he needs to go write some deep poetry and leaves for his house, ending the storyline.

Cutscene Transcripts[]

See Spookane/Cutscenes.

Island Residents[]






  • Eyeball



Fishing Spot 1[]

Fishing Spot 2[]

Fishing Spot 3[]



Chopper Carl Figurine Peek into the sarcophagus in Goth Boy's Lair.
Crocodile Shirley Figurine Fishing Spot 2, near Zombie Carl's Swamp.
Violet Figurine -
Armor Pieces
Girdle of Ogre Strength Prospecting near Haunted Ruins
Mandrake Root To the right inside the gate to Morcubus' Castle.
Halloween Scroll Prospecting
Ruthie's Happy House Fishing Spot 3, near Morcubus' Castle.
Ruthie's Haunted House Goth Boy
Séance Scroll Treasure Chest 3
Spooky Scroll Goth Boy
Warning: Contains Spikes Treasure Chest 2


  • Spookane may be a reference to the American city of Spokane, Washington.
  • There is a town called Spookane in Mother, also known as EarthBound Beginnings, a Nintendo game released for the virtual console on the Wii U.
  • In MySims Agents, Violet will mention Spookane and Cutopia if the player sends her on Marlon's second dispatch mission, Magical Disaster.
  • Grandma Ruthie's cookie shop was probably Violet's house before she moved to Cutopia.
  • The presence of an abandoned castle suggests that Spookane may have been ruled by royalty in the past, similar to Capital Island and Cutopia.



Reward IslandCandypaloozaForest of the ElvesCowboy JunctionRocket ReefCapital IslandThe Royal AcademyTrevor IslandCutopiaThe Uncharted IsleSpookaneRenée's Nature PreserveIslandsMSKmap
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