MySims Wiki

Spencer is a charismatic gamer and intense paladin. He is so devoted to his favorite game, PallyQuest, that he never removes his paladin costume. Spencer is a potential resident who lives in his mom's basement unless invited to live in town, loyal knight and bodyguard to Duchess Beverly, minigame host, and client turned potential recruit for the Sim Protection Agency.

Game roles[]


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  • Spencer wears silver knight armor in MySims Kingdom, but on the cover, he wears the armor suit the Royal Wandolier collects for him.
  • Strangely, if the Royal Wandolier opens the gate to Violet's Abode before Duchess Beverly traps her in there, Spencer will still deny access to it.
  • Spencer shares his interests with Ian Arneson in MySims.
  • Spencer's interests in MySims Agents are Athletic and Charisma, which are both likely based off of Fun, his disliked interest in MySims.
    • Spencer may attribute to Charisma since he is a paladin and paladins in Dungeons & Dragons require lots of charisma.
  • Spencer's favorite online game is called PallyQuest, which could have been based on AdventureQuest.
  • In MySims and MySims Agents, Spencer states he lives in his mom's basement.
  • If the player removes Spencer's helmet in MySims, he is revealed to have black hair.
  • During Spencer's dispatch mission, H4XXOR3D, he points out that his PallyQuest screen name is Lord Galahad, most likely named after Galahad, a knight of King Arthur's Round Table.
  • If the player sends Spencer on Walker's fifth dispatch mission, One More Time, his biggest fear is revealed to be everyone pointing and laughing at him.


Other languages[]

  • Denmark Flag Danish: Ludvig
  • Netherlands Flag Dutch: Spike
  • English Flag English: Spencer
  • France Flag French: Yves
  • Germany Flag German: Pauli
  • Japan Flag Japanese: スペンサー (Spencer)
  • South Korea Flag Korean: 스펜서 (Spencer)
  • Poland Flag Polish: Spencer
  • Spain Flag Spanish: Mariano


Geeky Sims in MySims

Buddy | Vic Vector | Stephen Albright | Jenny | Ian Arneson | Dr. F | Professor Nova | Gertrude Spackle | Liberty | Rob Jarrett
Brendan | Clayton Dander | Spencer | Star | Alexa Lexington

Geeky Essences in MySims
Action Figure | Alien | Gears | Mega Lizard | Metal | Robot | Rocket | Sapphire | Snake | Spring | Star | Tiny Shark | Tire | Video Game | Electric Eel | Robo Fish | Uber Shiny | UFO | Cube Puzzle
Geeky Activity

Rocket Launch
