MySims Wiki
Snake on the Loose!
Agent Liberty
Client Liberty
Difficulty 4stars
Interests Nature1Smarts1
Duration 3/12

Snake on the Loose! is Liberty's dispatch mission in MySims Agents (Wii).

Introduction Message[]

Oh no, oh no! I was carrying my pet snake Mr. Venom to his favorite picnic spot, but I must have left my backpack open because he's gone! Please help me find him!


  • An object for the HQ and a new recruit!
    • Object: High-Tech Lounge Chair
    • Recruit: Liberty

Client Messages[]

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Agent Messages[]

Agent Annie Annie Radd[]

Annie snake on the loose!

I love snakes! No heavy metal act is complete without one!

Agent Beebee Beebee[]

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Agent Elmira Elmira Clamp[]

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Agent Gonk Gonk[]

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Agent Gordon Gordon[]

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Agent Hopper Hopper[]

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Agent Leaf Leaf[]

Leaf - snake on the loose

Oh right, snakes. Frankly, they give me the creeps. I let Petal take care of them back at the forest. She's good with that kind of stuff.

Agent Lyndsay Lyndsay[]

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Agent Zoe Madame Zoe[]

Zoe snake on the loose!

Ah chere, I sense a snake nearby. And a giraffe. And an elephant? Oops, my bad. We just passed the city zoo. Nevermind!

MagellanMSA Magellan[]

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Agent Makoto Makoto[]

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Agent Marlon Marlon[]

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Agent Aran Master Aran[]

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Agent Mike Michael Gray[]

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Agent Nicole Ms. Nicole Vogue[]

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Agent Petal Petal[]

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Agent Pinky Pinky[]

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Agent Preston Preston Winthrop Esquire[]

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Agent Nova Professor Nova[]

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Agent Renee Renée[]

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Agent Roger Roger[]

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Agent Rosalyn Rosalyn P. Marshall[]

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Agent Vincent Sir Vincent Skullfinder[]

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Agent Spencer Spencer[]

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Agent Star Star[]

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Agent Travis Travis[]

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Agent Trevor Trevor Verily[]

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Agent Vic Vic Vector[]

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Agent Violet Violet Nightshade[]

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Agent Wendalyn Wendalyn[]

Wendalyn - snake on the loose

Snakes make wonderful pets! And their venom is a key ingredient for love potions!

WolfahMSA Wolfah[]

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Agent Carl Zombie Carl[]

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