MySims Wiki

Rosalyn P. Marshall is a woman who loves organization and paperwork. Being a natural born leader, her primary job is town mayor. In addition to being the mayor, Rosalyn also serves as a finance advisor[1][2], a minigame/festival host, the headmistress at The Royal Academy, and a government agent turned potential recruit for the Sim Protection Agency.

Game roles[]


MySims, SimCity Creator, MySims Party, and MySims Racing[]

Rosalyn wears a blue campaign sweater and skirt, and a pink rose on her right lapel along with a matching pearl necklace. She has brown eyes with eyelashes, brown hair in a styled bob, tan skin, and a pink shade of lipstick with her smile.

MySims Kingdom[]

Rosalyn wears the same campaign outfit, minus the rose. Her skin tone is paler, but all of her other cosmetic features remain the same.

MySims Agents[]

Rosalyn returns with new attire to meet her role as a government agent. She wears a black shirt, a matching skirt and trench coat, and black shades with a headpiece and microphone. All of her cosmetic features stay the same, however her skin is pale once again.

In other games[]

One of the soundtracks for the Town Hall was reused in The Sims 4 on one of the Romance TV shows.



  • In the beta version of MySims, Rosalyn originally had darker skin, Clara Belle's eyes, and red hair.
    • She was also going to have blonde hair and pale skin.[citation needed]
  • Rosalyn is Helen's niece and Tim's first cousin once removed.
  • Rosalyn's skin seems to have gotten paler in MySims Kingdom and MySims Racing. The reason for this is unknown.

Dispatch Missions[]

  • If the player sends Rosalyn on Wendalyn's dispatch mission, Reagent Run, she will make a reference to Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
  • If the player sends Rosalyn on Dr. F's second dispatch mission, Time for Toast, she will say she sees a parallel dimension where she is a mayor and wants people to move into her town, which is a reference to the original MySims. This may indicate that all the various MySims games take place in parallel universes.
  • If the player sends Rosalyn on Makoto's first dispatch mission, High School Yearbook, she will say during her time in high school, she was the library monitor, hall monitor, team mascot, and editor of the school newspaper.
  • If the player sends Rosalyn on DJ Candy Supergroove's second dispatch mission, Music That Moves You, she will ask if Candy, Sapphire, and Zack should all be in school, meaning they are 18 or younger, or Rosalyn thinks they are under 18.
  • If the player sends Rosalyn on Alexa Lexington's second dispatch mission, What's the F?, she will say she knows what the "F" stands for and that it is classified information.
  • If the player sends Rosalyn on Walker's fifth and final dispatch mission, One More Time, Walker will want her to fill out some forms, but she does not have her pen or pencils, meaning that is her fear.


  • According to two of Rosalyn's dialogues in Star Levels 3 and 5, she says she hates Fun, but Geeky is her disliked interest.
  • It is strange for Rosalyn to have Paranormal as an interest in MySims Agents, since it is similar to Geeky in MySims, which she dislikes, and at the lodge, she was skeptical of the existence of a yeti, which is a paranormal occult.


  • There are two references in MySims Kingdom (Console) to the podium the player builds with 4 Red Apple essences for Rosalyn as the first task in MySims.
    • If the Royal Wandolier talks to Rosalyn at night, she will mention dreaming of an apple podium.
    • When Rosalyn asks the Wandolier to put her podium back, Buddy says something about making her a podium sounding strangely familiar.
  • In MySims Kingdom, Lyndsay says "Does Rosalyn run the school all by herself? She must have amazing administrative skills! She could probably run a whole town, I bet!" in the day, which is a reference to her role in MySims, MySims Party, and MySims Racing.
  • In MySims Kingdom (DS), there is a picture of Rosalyn on the back wall in the town hall, despite Ellen being the town mayor.
    • Though it is possible Rosalyn used to be mayor before Ellen and her portrait was left there.


  • Rosalyn is one of 4 Sims in MySims without a startingbed that do not request one. The others are Buddy, Makoto, and Mel.
  • Buddy is one of only 2 Sims in MySims who cannot be kicked out or relocated, along with Buddy.
  • Rosalyn is one of only two Sims in MySims Kingdom who like Elegant, along with Trevor Verily.
  • Rosalyn is the only crew member in MySims Racing to not race.


  • Rosalyn shares her interests with Amelia and Linda in MySims.
  • According to one of Rosalyn's Star Level 0 dialogues, she wears Poppy's flowers on her campaign dresses.
  • When Rosalyn gives a speech in MySims, it will sound like she's saying "Hearty joy" at one point.


Other languages[]

  • China Flag Chinese Simplified: 罗塞恩·P·马歇尔
  • China Flag Chinese Traditional: 羅斯琳‧馬歇爾
  • Czechia Flag Czech: Hyacinta P. Marshallová
  • Denmark Flag Danish: Rosaline P. Martin
  • Netherlands Flag Dutch: Rosalie P. Marshall
  • English Flag English: Rosalyn P. Marshall
  • France Flag French: Roselyne P. Marshall
  • Germany Flag German: Rosi P. Martin
  • India Flag Hindi: रोज़लिन मार्शल
  • Italy Flag Italian: Rosina P. Moretti
  • Japan Flag Japanese: ロザリン・P・マーシャル
  • South Korea Flag Korean: 로잘린 P. 마샬
  • Poland Flag Polish: Rosalyn P. Marshall
  • Russia Flag Russian: Розалин П. Маршалл
  • Spain Flag Spanish: Rosalía Marcial



Studious Sims in MySims

Rosalyn P. Marshall | Elmira Clamp | Gordon | Matt | Trevor Verily | Makoto | Linda | Amelia | Luis | Eliza
Abigail | Yvette | Samurai Bob | Natalia Roshmanov

Studious Essences in MySims
Dark Wood | Dinosaur Fossil | Elephant | Globe | Jade | Knight | Light Wood | Moai | Organic | Pawn | Pencil | Rook | Stone
Terra Cotta | Textbook | Telescope | Compass | Microscope
Studious Activity

Book Party
