MySims Wiki

Cozybundle-crop-jump This page is set to go under renovations in preparation for MySims: Cozy Bundle!! Please stay tuned!! Cozybundle-crop-jump

Hey there, and welcome to MySims Wiki!
The wiki all about MySims that anyone can edit!

There have been 1,661 articles and 677,729 edits on MySims Wiki since December 28, 2008!
Help us increase that number!

Buddy Sketch Artist

MySims Wiki is a wiki all about MySims, a video game series for everyone! MySims is a spin-off of the popular The Sims franchise, and it came from the desire from the developers of the series when they wanted to make something more kid-friendly and for everyone but still "Sims". The first game in the series became extremely popular, and the developers decided to make a whole series following the first MySims.

We fans then decided to unite and set up a wiki about MySims on December of 2008 after the second game in the series, MySims Kingdom, came out, so other fans of the series can come in and see our work! To read more on MySims, take a gander and check out our articles, and if you're curious about how we work around here, check the About page for more info.

Maurice Says Hai!!!

If you're a fan of the MySims series like all of us working here, we encourage you to join and help us out! Don't be shy! The wiki's growing, and more contributors will mean that we get things done quicker! The more the better!


Thanks for visiting us today at MySims Wiki! If you plan to contribute, please create a username and sign in each time you make an edit. An account will allow you to keep track of your contributions and create your own personal user page.

Check out the template page to learn and use templates! Also, see the category page to find what you're looking for.

If you need any help, try looking in the Wikia Help or try contacting one of the active admins. Check out the FAQ also if you have a question regarding a game, and add a question you may have onto the page. It will be answered as soon as possible. If you have any ideas on how to improve the Wiki, check out our Crideas page and add something there. Also, tell people more about yourself by using the userboxes. Check them out here!

Also visit our sister Wiki, MySims Fanon Wiki, the Wiki all for MySims fanon!

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MySims Wiki
MySims DJ Candy Button MySims Kingdom Leaf Button
MySims MySims Kingdom
MySims Party MC Emi Button MySims Racing Chaz Button
MySims Party MySims Racing
MySims Agents Vic Vector Button MySims SkyHeroes Morcubus Button
MySims Agents MySims SkyHeroes

News What's new on MySims Wiki

MySims Wiki News
Featured Article October 13, 2024
Qubit: Hey everyone! I'm here to announce that MySims Wiki has an official Discord server! Special thanks to Ibby for working tirelessly to get it set up. It's still a fairly new server, so we might hit some snags along the way. Also, as a reminder, you have to be 13+ to use Discord, as per the Terms of Service.
With that being said: to join the server, simply click this link. Thanks, and have a great day!
Featured Article September 10, 2024
SailorSkeleton: Woah, 10 years since an update in this section?? Anyways, MySims: Cozy Bundle has been announced on Aug 27, 2024, and is set to release on November 19, 2024. Save the date! It appears to be a combination of MySims and MySims Kingdom for the Wii, but utilizing MySims (PC) content and sporting a graphical update. I'll be doing my best to improve this wiki in preparation for MSCB's release, while juggling work and starting college and visiting sick family and aalllll sorts of fun stuff.

Have you noticed the banner up top on the home page here? It's been virtually untouched since 2010, so I'll be doing my best to redo it! It's also incredibly long....the second-longest page on the wiki!! Anyway, I'll try my best to make this wiki look great for a possible boom in new visitors! Maybe even some old visitors coming back?! Cheers and stay safe!
Featured Article March 29, 2014
Potter: So I'm a week late putting this up but the 2013 Character Battles concluded last week and Violet Nightshade won! Thanks to all who participated and stuff. Also, first post of the new year ^U^
Featured Article May 11, 2013
Skull: Hello everyone. I would like to congratulate our two new admins, Gold and Luke! They were promoted for their hard work and dedication to the wiki and sure deserved it! Congrats guys! I would also like to announce that the rollback system has been reintroduced. Our seven active rollbacks can be seen in the Wiki Activity.
Featured Article April 20, 2013
Matt: Hey guys! Today marks the start of my new Let's Play! of MySims! In this Let's Play, I'll be making a video or two dedicated to the tasks of each Sim, giving as much information about them as I can! Check out the introductory episode here: [1] and all of the following episodes on my channel in the coming months! Hope you guys enjoy!
Featured Article April 1, 2013
Potter: So, the Character Battles have ended and Zombie Carl was the winner. We also have two new articles about the Merchandise and the Beta Version of MySims. Be sure to check them out, and happy Easter everyone!
Featured Article January 14, 2013
Iona: First update of the new year! Oh, and the Character Battles have started! Make sure to vote for your favourite Sim!
Featured Article June 3, 2012
Potter: Me again, just to say a huge congratulations to our newest admins, Google & Iona, who were promoted today!
Featured Article May 28, 2012
Potter: Hey guys, be sure to check out our new affiliate, he's called Gocubs711 and he does MySims Let's Plays on YouTube. His description: I make Let's Plays/Walkthroughs of various videogames, including MySims Agents and MySims Sky-Heroes Starting June 2, I will be Let's Playing MySims Kingdom on my channel. I will be getting all of my information from this wiki. Please watch, leave a comment, and subscribe if you're interested! -gocubs711 Please check out his channel and enjoy his vids!
Featured Article May 7, 2012
Mayor Zain: Heya, everybody! You've heard of the MySims Wiki Chat, right? Well... me, Potter and Google are working on adding new smilies for the chat! Of course, we are gonna make the chat EVER so colourful! Yes! Indeed! If you would like to help, ask Potter, Me or Google and we may consider it! Get ready to have smileys up on! Check here for the emoticon codes for the chat! Enjoy!
Featured Article March 26, 2012
Iona: Hai. Don't know if you recognize me. All I'm sayin' is that we, the remaining users of MySims Wiki, are going to try to revive everything on the wiki, from the Character Battles to the Comics. If you haven't nominated on the Character Battles yet, then you can nominate here (My blog), or here (The article). Have a nice day, and if you have any questions about this revivin' stuff, ask Potterdude or MOI!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again, have a nice day.
Featured Article March 14, 2012
Potterfan has been promoted to an admin by Holli. So if you need any help with anything, don't feel afraid to contact any of the active admins, rollbacks or trusted users!
Featured Article February 24, 2012
Holli has been promoted to an admin by Blanky. So if you need any help, don't feel afraid to contact her.

Want to see what else has happened in the past? Check out the News Archive!

MySims Wiki is not associated in any official way with Electronic Arts Inc., its subsidiaries, or its affiliates.
The characters as well as the "MySims" series are TM and © (or copyright) Electronic Arts and its related entities.

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If you're not sure what to add to a new created page, it's best to improve upon the existing articles so you can get an idea. Why not check any of the existing articles that need help? Click here to check out the Stubs.

Featured Article Featured Article (Featured Article Archive)


Robo-Assault is a minigame in MySims Party. The game has players running away from a giant robot! Whoever runs into the robot is out. There are also several rock obstacles in the path.

Leaf Bullet Tilted Right Featured Sim (Featured Sims Archive)


Buddy is the hardworking bellhop of your towns hotel the sole staff member. He's exceptionally friendly and always takes pride in his simple job..

Featured Location Featured Location (Featured Location Archive)


Jungle Temple is the last location in MySims Agents. It has a big temple, Moon and Sun Shrines, and The Gaia tree on the outside. The inside of the big temple has the Temple Grotto, the Fire Room, the Wind Room, and the Water Room. All of these rooms are part of the things you need to get inside the temple, knowing the four things you need is for each room In the Temple.

Essence Featured Essence (Featured Essence Archive)

Penguin Essence

Penguin is a cute essences in MySims (Switch/PC). They are found in the Gardens, along with all of the other Switch/PC exclusive essences.

Cute Featured Interest (Featured Interest Archive)


Tech is a new interest in MySims Kingdom (Console). The interest is for Sims interested in science and technology, such as Dr.F and Vic Vector.

S3 00b2d882 00000000 00000000aad937ba Featured Video


MySims – Cozy Bundle Trailer – Nintendo Switch

The reveal trailer for MySims: Cozy Bundle on Nintendo Switch.

See more Videos.

Featured Game Newest MySims Game

MySims Cozy Bundle box art
MySims: Cozy Bundle is a game for the Nintendo Switch, which contains remastered Nintendo Wii versions of MySims (Console/PC) and MySims Kingdom (Console). It was released worldwide on November 19, 2024. The existence of the MySims remaster was leaked to online retailers on August 23, 2024. The bundle was officially announced by Electronic Arts four days later.

Raven Gift What's going on with other MySims Wikians?

Most Recent Blog Posts by MySims Wikians

DreamQueen2011 DreamQueen2011 1 December 2024

Will They Be Rereleased Too?

Hello everyone! Before I begin, I would just like to say that I recently joined MySims Wiki. Before I did, I heard that MySims: Cozy Bundle was coming out, so I asked my mom if I could join MySims Wi…

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MySims Cutie 142 MySims Cutie 142 24 November 2024

I beat the Cozy Bundle!

I finally beat both games (main story plots) in just less than a week! I started with MySims 1 and it only took me 3 days to complete, and then did the same with MySims Kingdom, again within 3 days. …

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Quectothermodynamics Quectothermodynamics 30 October 2024

The first one

Hey there, everyone!

This is going to be a short ramble about who I am... I was formerly "Flipper117" back in the day. Figured it would be better to start editing here on a new account, as there was s…

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MapleSyrupPancakes MapleSyrupPancakes 8 September 2024


So I guess we're here now, great.

For those of you who have been here a while, you may remember the name "Qubit2222". Yeah, that's me.

First off, I'm a hell of a lot older and more mature than I was ba…

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SailorSkeleton SailorSkeleton 3 September 2024

MySims is Coming Back! Nostalgiaposting

- 9/2/2024 11:47PM -

First blog in a looooong time! Let's get cracking!

I'm just gonna go back to the old roots for a bit and make this blog a little personal. MySims coming back with Cozy Bundle out o…

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BeatBro BeatBro 24 February 2024

An Interesting Theory

The MySims games were a major part of my childhood. I used to play them all the time when I was a kid, and I'm extremely familiar with the whole series. It warms my heart that people still remember t…

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AutisticSeaAlien AutisticSeaAlien 28 January 2024

New name, same ol' me!

Hey guys!

It's been a while since I've been on this site, lol! I used to be called Pixelboid in another account, but I wanted to create a whole new account since I'm going under a brand new name, afte…

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Summm1 Summm1 6 January 2024

Wiki Adoption Request

Hi MySims Wiki,

I am writing this blog post in hopes of receiving your approval to become an administrator. I've noticed that the current active user base was not around when I first joined the wiki, …

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DarkFairy287 DarkFairy287 26 December 2023


Ok, so it's 3 a.m. EST on December 26, 2023 as I type this. Why am I still awake?

Truth is, I just randomly remembered that I joined this wiki back in 2010, and was quasi-active until late 2018...


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Jacee01 Jacee01 6 September 2023

MySims Agents CAS File Names

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