MySims Wiki
MySims Wiki

MySims Wiki Userboxes Banner

Welcome! Userboxes are boxes that display certain info about you, such as favorite Sim, interest, essence, etc..

If you have a request for a certain userbox, please leave a request on the talk page.

Userboxes are placed on your personal user page. It is recommended to include the Template:Userboxes Cabinet and the Template:EndOfUserboxes in order to create a column (placed either left of right on your page) to contain your userboxes so they are not all over the place. Please visit Template:Userboxes Cabinet for more infomation on how to create this column/cabinet for your userboxes.

If you feel up to the challenge, you may also make your own with the template here. For further info, see Help:Userboxes.

Some userbox categories have been moved to their own pages for ease of access.


Here is an example of a userbox cabinet. Let's say Mistertrouble189 wants to put some userboxes on his page:

Mistertrouble189's Userboxes
MySims Wiki Logo Userboxes is totally a user of MySims Wiki. I mean, you know, at least they took the time to look around and even find this userbox to put on their page. You gotta give some credit for that.

MySims Wiki Logo Userboxes proudly supports MySims Wiki. Like, all the way.

He has the "Userboxes Cabinet" and "EndOfUserboxes" templates in order to create a column to hold his userboxes. He chose to have the background in black, the header text color to be blue, and he arranged it to be on the right hand side of the page. He even changed the header text to say his name! What a guy! You can customize your cabinet by changing the settings when you edit your user page. See Userbox Demo for more info.

Userboxes You Can Use!

NOTE: Don't mind where it says "Userboxes" as a name on each of the userboxes! It'll show your username instead once you put it on your User page.

MySims Wiki Related

Code Result
{{MySims Wiki User}}
MySims Wiki Logo Userboxes is totally a user of MySims Wiki. I mean, you know, at least they took the time to look around and even find this userbox to put on their page. You gotta give some credit for that.

{{MySims Wiki Proud Supporter}}
MySims Wiki Logo Userboxes proudly supports MySims Wiki. Like, all the way.


Loved Interests

Code Result
{{Loves Interest Cute}}
Cute Userboxes absolutely LOVES everything Cute and cuddly! Awww!

{{Loves Interest Spooky}}
Spooky Userboxes thinks Spooky stuff is totally radical. DUDE! Er...I mean...BOO!

{{Loves Interest Geeky}}
Geeky Userboxes totally thinks being Geeky is awesome!!!!!

{{Loves Interest Studious}}
Studious Userboxes believes in being knowledgable and totally Studious.

{{Loves Interest Tasty}}
Tasty Userboxes really loves food, and everything Tasty!

{{Loves Interest Fun}}
Fun Userboxes is totally a Fun kind of person. Rock on! WOO!

Hates Interests

Code Result
{{Hates Interest Cute}}
Hates Cute Cute things make Userboxes hurl. BLECH!!!

{{Hates Interest Spooky}}
Hates Spooky Spooky stuff really gives Userboxes the chills! EEK!

{{Hates Interest Geeky}}
Hates Geeky Userboxes thinks being Geeky is like, TOTALLY lame.

{{Hates Interest Studious}}
Hates Studious Userboxes absolutely HATES reading, writing, and everything Studious. I mean, dude. Come on, right? LAME.

{{Hates Interest Tasty}}
Hates Tasty Userboxes hates Tasty and thinks eating is like, a MAJOR waste of time.

{{Hates Interest Fun}}
Hates Fun Userboxes thinks Fun is overrated.


Character Love

Main article: MySims Wiki:Userboxes/Characters_(Console/PC)
Main article: MySims Wiki:Userboxes/Characters_(DS)
Main article: MySims Wiki:Userboxes/Characters_(Cut)

Character Hate

Main article: MySims Wiki:Userboxes/Characters_(Hate)


Main article: MySims Wiki:Userboxes/Hobbies


Main article: MySims Wiki:Userboxes/Locations

Game Roles

Code Result
{{Essence Creator|town name=your town's name here}}
Essence Creator's Workshop Userboxes is the Essence Creator who has saved {{{town name}}}.

{{Royal Wandolier}}
Wand Userboxes is proud to be King Roland's Royal Wandolier.

{{Partier|town name=your town's name here}}
Festival Userboxes is a proud festival competitor from {{{town name}}}.

{{Racer|town name=your town's name here}}
Sir Charles In Car Userboxes is a champion racer who had brought peace and happiness back to the citizens of {{{town name}}}.

{{SPA Agent}}
MySims Agents Thingy Userboxes is a special agent operative, hired by the SPA to foil the nefarious plans of Morcubus!

{{SkyForce Pilot}}
SkyForceRole Userboxes is a pilot who works with SkyForce to defeat Morcubus and the Chaos Pirates in order to take back the skies!


Main article: MySims_Wiki:Userboxes/Fanon


Favorite MySims Essences

Main article: MySims Wiki:Userboxes/Essences (MySims)

Favorite MySims Kingdom Essences

Code Result
{{Bat Fish Essence Fan}}
Bat Fish Userboxes loves Bat Fish! They are bats and fish!

Favorite MySims Games

Main article: MySims Wiki:Userboxes/Games
