MySims Wiki

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Welcome to the MySims Wiki Smilies! Here is a list of smilies you can use to express feelings or emotions that you have while communicating with other MySims Wikians, whether it be by blog comment or talk page! Just type in the specified code to add the smiley into your message! If you have your own smiley to add, feel free to add it in to the list for MySims Wikians to use, but make sure its appropriate and family friendly with the community. It'd be even greater if your smiley was MySims-related (but it's not required)!

Most smileys were found on Onion ClubdeviantART, Tumblr, and Reddit. All rights go to these websites.
Be warned that websites outside MySims Wiki may have adult content. Viewer discretion is advised.

Smiley sub-pages:
Onion ClubYoyo & Cici (Monkeys)Anime ReactAnime SmileyCartoons


Smiley Code
Failcatplz {{freakycat}}
Awesomeface {{awesome}}
Serious {{serious}}
Durrhurr {{durrhurr}}
Angry {{angry}}
Fweeheehee {{fweeheehee}}
Rawr {{rawr}}
Ohnoes {{ohnoes}}
Ohnose {{ohnose}}
Tooawesome {{tooawesome}}
Crai {{notawesome}}
No {{no}}
Doomed {{doomed}}
Rage {{rage}}
Hmphsmiley {{hmph}}
Urk {{urk}}
Goofygrin {{goofygrin}}
Wah {{wah}}
Shame {{shame}}
Gwah {{gwah}}
Yah {{yah}}
Hardcore {{hardcore}}
Idiotthinking {{idiotthinking}}
Ohserious {{userious}}
Isay {{isay}}
Ohjoy {{joy}}
Really {{really}}
Iloveyou {{iloveyou}}
AAAH {{aaah}}
Dancingcat {{dancingcat}}
Seriouschu {{seriouschu}}
Wut {{wut}}
Shockedcat {{shockedcat}}
Yay {{yay}}
Dang {{dang}}
Orly {{orly}}
Ohflip {{ohflip}}
Heheheh {{heheheh}}
Voodoo {{mojo}}
Evil {{evil}}
Ohmy {{ohmy}}
Umyeah {{umyeah}}
Fufu {{fufu}}
Giggle {{giggle}}
Leaf Emotions Avatar {{leafman}}
DerekStun {{derekstun}}
Yesyes {{yesyes}}
Eyetwitch {{eyetwitch}}
Umno {{umno}}
Devilish Stare {{evilstare}}
Nerdy smiley {{nerdyface}}
Roar {{roar}}
Gross {{gross}}
Omigod {{omigosh}}
Plz {{plz}}
Omg {{omg}}
Whaaat {{whaaat}}
Umwut {{umwhat}}
Crosseyed {{crosseyed}}
Darn {{darn}}
CuteJoy {{cutejoy}}
Iwilleatyou {{iwilleatyou}}
Moo {{moo}}
Demon {{monster}}
Wooo {{wooo}}
Devil-smile {{devilishthought}}
Wutdaflip {{whattheflip}}
Thinking {{frustrated}}
Exitedsmiley {{excited}}
MutantMango {{mutantmango}}
Sparta smiley {{SPARTA}}
Shoop da whoop {{shoopdawoop}}
Angry faic {{angryfaic}}
Insane {{insane}}
Scared {{scared}}
Whatthesting {{whattheheck}}
Teehee {{teehee}}
Speechless {{speechless}}
Eew {{creepedout}}
Evilgrin {{evilgrin}}
Sushi {{sushi}}
Coolsmile {{cool}}
Love {{love}}
Ilost {{ilost}}
Ohdear {{ohdear}}
Hurrhurr {{hurrhurr}}
Sweat {{sweat}}
Ilikeit {{ilikeit}}
Oooh {{oooh}}
Stare {{stare}}
Eww {{eww}}
Food {{yummy}}
Innocent {{innocent}}
Facepalm {{facepalm}}
Doublefacepalm {{doublefacepalm}}
Quadruplefacepalm {{quadruplefacepalm}}
Awww {{awww}}
Pika {{pika}}
Excited {{enthusiastic}}
Smiley {{tongueout}}
Thriller {{thriller}}
Baffled {{baffled}}
Lolsign {{lolsign}}
Happy {{happy}}
Cry {{cry}}


Lazy Cow {{lazycow}}
Imsupersurprisedplz {{waaah}}
Imsorryplz {{plzforgiveme}}
Ilickitplz {{yum}}
Darnit {{darnit}}
Okaaaay {{okaaay}}
Cuteawesome {{cuteawesome}}
Trianglemouth {{trianglemouth}}
AngryPants {{fierce}}
Idea {{idea}}
Dancing smilies by blondyXxp {{Crazy}}
Fox Emoticons pack by tenedria {{spinningfox}}
Freaked {{freaked}}
Dancingbanana {{dancingbanana}}
Daaa {{daaa}}
ShiftyEyes {{shiftyeyes}}
Isupercameplz copy {{loony}}
Grrr {{grrr}}
Woohoo {{woohoo}}
Flabbergasted {{flabbergasted}}
ImagesCAIUNWA3 {{whattheflack}}
Excitedlayton {{excitedlayton}}
Luke {{excitedluke}}
Excitedclive {{excitedclive}}
Excitedflora {{excitedflora}}
Excitedanton {{excitedanton}}
Excitedsammy {{excitedsammy}}
Oopsie {{oopsie}}
Sarcasticclap {{sarcasticclap}}
Kay Kicking Miles {{kick}}
111sofunny {{sofunny}}
111beatemup {{beatemup}}
111whipit {{whipit}}
111unwhipit {{unwhipit}}
Awesome {{eyesome}}
Mexicanwave {{wave}}
Lgaga {{ohyou}}
Omigoshwut {{omigoshwut}}
Trollfaic {{trollface}}
Emosmile {{emoawesome}}
Y-u-noplz {{y-u-no}}
Cryforever {{cryforever}}
Domo-kunDance {{domodance}}
Mypictr 50x50 {{pokerface}}
Creepeh Smileh {{brittrutteriscreepy}}
Nyancat {{nyankitty}}
Ugh {{ugh}}
Megustaplz {{megusta}}
E {{hahagotyou}}
TalktohandTrans {{talktohand}}
BighugTrans {{bighug}}
Umright {{umright}}
Whatinthehay {{whatsthat}}
Rayplz {{raywhatever}}
Weirdface {{weirdface}}
FoolSmilie {{Fool}}
Facepalm-Fail {{Fail}}
Pacoo Apeman {{chest}}
Pacoo Thinkman {{yesisee}}
Pacoo Babyman {{baby}}
Pacoo Meanman {{raspberry}}
Cannotevenplz {{cannoteven}}
030plz.png {{030}}
Sobplz.png {{Sob}}
Coolguyshadesplz.png {{Coolguyshades}}
Sharky.gif {{Sharkwhat}}
Desufaceplz.gif {{Desu}}
Emmplz.gif {{Umm}}
Fyeahplz.gif {{Fyeah}}
Getawayplz.gif {{Getaway}}
Isawitplz.gif {{Isawit}}
Kyeplz.gif {{Imcry}}
Rraegplz.gif {{Noo}}
Wthamiseeingplz.gif {{Whythis}}
Aaahhplz.png {{Ahh}}
Iderpitplz.png {{silly}}
Allthethingsplz {{Allthethings}}
Illtellonyouplz.png {{prettyplease}}
Shaplz.png {{Sha}}
Sadfaceplz.png {{;A;}}
Puppywantplz.png {{Puppyface}}
Meowderpfaceplz.png {{OwO}}
Incomprehensionplz.png {{Okaywhat}}
Harrassplz.png {{Creepygrin}}
Watwatplz.png {{Watwat}}
Wthewwplz.png {{Whywouldyou}}
Youcardplz.png {{Youcard}}
Youdidwhatplz.png {{Youdidwhat}}
Nopenope.png {{Nopenope}}
Dothisthingplz.png {{Dothisthing}}
Heythereprettyplz.png {{Heythere}}
Ahurrplz.png {{Ahuhuh}}
Ravegwahplz.gif {{Ravegwah}}
Doesntwanttoknowplz.gif {{Okaywhy}}
Wtfusayplz.png {{Wtfusay}}
Sothereplz.gif {{Sothere}}
Fearmeplz.gif {{Fearme}}
Imdarkplz.png {{imdark}}
Cutepoutplz.gif {{Cutepout}}
Fanggrinplz.png {{Fanggrin}}
Comeatmebruhplz.gif {{Comeatmebruh}}
Sonic_Xtreme_Victory.gif {{Sonicvictory}}
Rainbowbummiecakeplz.gif {{Rainbowcake}}
Squintstareplz.png {{Squintstare}}
0u0plz.png {{0u0}}
Pockyboxplz.gif {{Kawaiipocky}}
Pinkangelbunnyplz.gif {{Pinkangelbunny}}
Kawaiiwaffleplz.gif {{Kawaiiwaffle}}
Kawaiicookieplz.gif {{Kawaiicookie}}
Goldenplattercakeplz.gif {{Goldenplattercake}}
Frenchfriesplz.gif {{Kawaiifries}}
Adviceplz.gif {{Advice}}
Cheeseburgerplz.gif {{kawaiiburger}}
Bunnyglompplz.gif {{Bunnyglomp}}
Alaughplz.png {{Cutelaugh}}
Alexisrawrplz.png {{Cuterawr}}
Bananaloveplz.gif {{Kawaiibanana}}
Bubbleannoyedplz.gif {{Bubbleannoyed}}
Bubbleblushplz.gif {{Bubbleblush}}
Bubblebraindeadplz.gif {{Bubbledizzy}}
Bubbleevilplz.gif {{Bubbleevil}}
Bubbledeadplz.gif {{Bubbledead}}
Bubbledazeplz.gif {{Bubbledaze}}
Bubblecuteplz.gif {{Bubblecute}}
Bubblesadplz.gif {{Bubblesad}}
Bubbleplottingplz.gif {{Bubbleplotting}}
Bubblehehplz.gif {{Bubbleheh}}
Bubblehuhplz.gif {{Bubblehuh}}
Bubblekissplz.gif {{Bubblekiss}}
Bubbleohmyplz.gif {{Bubbleohmy}}
Bunnyhamhamplz.gif {{Bunnyham}}
Bombingescape.gif {{Bombescape}}
Bunnycandyplz.gif {{Bunnycandy}}
Cakepinkplz.gif {{BDaycake}}
Cheeseloveplz.gif {{Cheeselove}}
Colonquestionmarkplz.gif {{Question}}
Cooperpuppy2plz.gif {{Puppy}}
Cuterainbowplz.gif {{Rainbow}}
Doaninternetplz.gif {{Doaninternet}}
Cuteicedteaplz.gif {{Kawaiiicetea}}
Bleehplz.png {{Bleeh}}
Demonlordghirahimplz.png {{Ghirahim}}
Staringmanplz.png {{Staringman}}
Cookingmamaplz.png {{Cookingmama}}
Coneplz.png {{Cone}}
Cannotunseeplz.png {{Cannotunsee}}
Awedanceplz.gif {{Awedance}}
Epicpowerwalkplz.gif {{twerk}}
Ghirahimdanceplz.gif {{Ghirahimdance}}
Lazyshydanceplz.gif {{Lazyshydance}}
Epicnuuplz.gif {{Epicnuu}}
Eheheplz.gif {{Ehehe}}
Coachomgplz.png {{Coachomg}}
Epicstareplz.png {{Epicstare}}
Eggs-manplz.png {{Eggsman}}
Hackingplz.gif {{Hacking}}
Holdbreathplz.png {{Holdbreath}}
Slendy-danceplz.gif {{Slendydance}}
OWNED {{Owned}}}
Spagheti {{spagheti}}
Slowdown {{Slowdown}}
Gracias {{gracias}}
Bagel {{bagel}}
De aspecto {{deaspecto}}
KRtDL Kirby hi2 {{kirby}}
SuzyTooBad {{toobad}}