Madame Zoe is a fortune-telling spiritualist. Using her unique abilities, she owns fortune telling shops in several different towns. Zoe also hosts the Crystal Clarity and Crystal Clear minigames, and is an heiress turned potential recruit for the Sim Protection Agency.
Game roles[]
Iggy is Zoe's nephew. He mentions Zoe at Star Level 5 in MySims, but Zoe never mentions him in any game. While the two may bond over Spooky, they may also argue because Zoe dislikes Tasty, Iggy's primary interest. However, Iggy says he likes Zoe's homestyle cooking, which implies she is a good cook.
Madame Zoe has dark skin, upturned almond shaped eye with black irises, purple eyeshadow, small black eyebrows, black lipstick on her upper lip (similar to Brandi), and a black scar underneath her left eye. She has long, slick back hair and wears a gold chain with three green gemstones across her forehead. Zoe has brown hair in MySims, SimCity Creator, MySims Party (Wii), and her MySims Agents character icon, but red hair in the other games.
MySims, SimCity Creator, MySims Party, and MySims Racing[]
Madame Zoe wears a skull and cross bones hair accessory and a long yellow, purple, and maroon dress with a spider web pattern. Her dress has long sleeve and bat wings on her waist.
MySims Agents[]
Madame Zoe wears a black top hat with a skull and orange feathers. She also wears a long purple and orange striped dress with skulls, bones, maroon feathers. Her dress has detached long maroon sleeves and a green gemstone on the bodice. She wears a different shaped gold headpiece with the same type of green gemstones.
In other games[]

Madame Zoe's Voodoo Doll in The Sims 4.

Madame Zoe's Simmi.
- In The Sims 4, there is a Voodoo Doll named after Madame Zoe.
- In The Sims 4: Snowy Escape, there is a "Simmi" collectable of Madame Zoe.
- Madame Zoe may be based off of Madame Zeroni from the book Holes by Louis Sachar.
- She bears resemblance in both her name and the fact that Madame Zeroni was a cryptic fortune teller as well.
- Zoe is one of few Sims confirmed to be American. Her MySims bio states she is from Louisiana.
- Zoe could possibly speak with a Cajun accent, as she uses traces of French when she speaks.
- When the player first meets Zoe in MySims Party (DS), the game incorrectly spells her name as Madam Zoe.
- Zoe's character icon in MySims Agents has green earrings, like in her concept art. However, she doesn't wear them in the game.
- Zoe has Violet Nightshade's voice type in every game she appears in, except MySims Agents, in which she has Lyndsay's voice type.
- Zoe is the only Spooky Sim to not work for or be mentioned by Morcubus, besides Wendalyn.
- Conversely, Zoe mentions Morcubus if sent on the Assistant Librarian dispatch mission, after seeing a book called Book of life, and is about to say she should tell Morcubus, but then quickly stops herself and changes the subject. This is a reference to MySims Kingdom.
- Interestingly enough, Zoe does not appear in MySims Kingdom, so it is unknown how she would know about the Book of life, and it previously being Morcubus'.
- Zoe's last name may be Boudreaux, but it is unknown if she has a different surname than her uncle Cyrus Boudreaux.
- In MySims, Zoe's outfit is on display in Dolly Dearheart's costume shop.
- If the player sends Zoe on Wendalyn's dispatch mission, Reagent Run, she will reveal they worked together in the past. Zoe also describes Wendalyn's cooking as "magnifique" and mentions they made a gumbo recipe containing 12 kinds of chili powder.
- If the player sends Zoe on Walker's fifth dispatch mission, One More Time, she will reveal her worst nightmare is losing her psychic powers.
Other languages[]
Danish: Madame Lise
Dutch: Madam Zita
English: Madame Zoe
French: Madame Zoé
Polish: Madame Zoe
German: Madame Zoe
Norwegian: Madam Lise
Japanese: マダム·ゾーイ (Madamu Zōi)
Paranormal Sims in MySims Agents |
Elmira Clamp | Madame Zoe | Magellan | Marlon | Michael Gray | Pinky | Professor Nova | Rosalyn P. Marshall | Star | Vic Vector | Violet Nightshade | Wendalyn | Zombie Carl |
Smarts Sims in MySims Agents |
Annie Radd | Elmira Clamp | Gordon | Lyndsay | Madame Zoe | Makoto | Michael Gray | Ms. Nicole Vogue | Preston Winthrop Esquire | Professor Nova | Rosalyn P. Marshall | Travis | Violet Nightshade | Zombie Carl |
Spooky Sims in MySims |
Violet Nightshade | Sir Vincent Skullfinder | Ray | Goth Boy | Raven Wright | Madame Zoe | Yuki | Crystal | Morcubus | Blaine |
Spooky Sims in MySims Kingdom |
Violet Nightshade | Morcubus | Yuki | Goth Boy | Sir Vincent Skullfinder |
Spooky Essences found in MySims |
Amethyst | Black Apple | Black Rose | Dead Wood | Eyeball | Fish Bones | Ghost | Jack O'Lantern | Sad | Scary | Skeleton | Spider | Thorn | Voodoo Doll | Dragon | Bat Fish | Raven | Bat |
Spooky Essences found in MySims Kingdom |
Alien | Dead Wood | Ghost | Voodoo Doll | Eyeball | Sad | Angry | Scary | Angler | Bat Fish | Piranha | Sea Urchin |
Spooky Activity |
Séance |