MySims Wiki

King Roland is a kind, old ruler who watches over his kingdom and its citizens. He resides in his castle on Capital Island with his daughter, Princess Butter, and his personal wizard, Marlon. King Roland has a big obsession with cupcakes for some reason. He occasionally visits Ellen to check on how she is doing as mayor, as well as Speedville for championships and other races.

Game roles[] profile[]

Nintendo MSCB Roland profile

The wise and kind ruler is trying to revitalize his kingdom after the last of the Wandoliers left. Has a real soft spot for cupcakes.[1]


MySims Kingdom (Console) and MySims Racing (Wii)[]

King Roland has pale skin, light blue eyes that are typically closed, white hair, a mustache, and a beard. He wears a long sleeved off-gray shirt, red pants, and a long matching red robe with yellow outlining and a green gem on the chest. Roland also wears a matching red crown with a green jewel on top and brown boots.

MySims Kingdom (DS) and MySims Party (DS)[]

King Roland retains his facial features, but his eyes are open and gray colored. He wears a purple shirt and pants, a red coat with white outlining, and a matching crown with a red gem on top. Roland also wears white socks and brown shoes.


  • King Roland might be based off Roland, a Frankish general.
  • King Roland's appearance may be based off George V, former king of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Emperor of India.
  • King Roland and Princess Butter seem to be related to Duchess Beverly and Lord Daniel, as Marlon speaks of them all being apart of the royal line.
  • King Roland is the only Sim in MySims Party (DS) to debut in MySims Kingdom.
  • According to MySims Kingdom (DS), King Roland is 83 years old.
  • When giving the Battle Suit Roland Figurine to Vic Vector, he mentions it was made to commemorate the great disaster that followed when Dr. F made King Roland a robotic battle suit to help him defend the kingdom and how it went out of control, accidentally blowing up half of Capital Island. He also adds that King Roland has been obsessed with cupcakes since the incident and how no one is sure if it is because of faulty Dr. F science, or a mere coincidence.
  • After the town is destroyed in MySims Kingdom (DS), King Roland makes a reference to MySims Kingdom (Console) when he wonders if Lyndsay, Buddy and "their friend" can help before deciding they are too busy.
  • At the end of the Wandolier trials, when Princess Butter comes last, King Roland mentions he knows some elves who can help her get a unicorn, possibly referring to Leaf and Petal from the Forest of the Elves.
  • The soundtrack used during the transition to Capital Island in MySims Kingdom (Console) is reused when the player talks to King Roland in MySims Racing.


Other languages[]

  • Dutch: Koning Ruben
  • English: King Roland
  • Czech: Král Roland
  • Danish: Kong Roland
  • French: Roi Roland
  • Spanish: Rey Raimundo
  • Italian: Re Rolando


