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MySims Wiki

Headquarters is the main center of operations, and a branch office of the Sim Protection Agency. Once Agent Walker promotes the player to special agent, he gives them their own headquarters. The building has five floors in total, including the lobby. Each floor, excluding the lobby, can have up to 3 agent recruits, making a total of 12 recruits hired at a time. Recruits on the same level are all part of the same squad that goes on the same dispatch mission together. The same levels can be decorated with decoratives, items, and patterns/colors for walls and floors obtained throughout the game. Each item, except paints, will distribute certain skills to the recruits on the same floor it is placed on, which can help some difficult dispatch missions. The player can talk to recruits while between missions in HQ to see how they're doing, and they will either ask to go on a dispatch mission or give their thoughts on the current case the player is working on. The player also has their own private jet on the Hangar's landing pad to fly to other areas outside of town.




Potential Recruits[]

There are 33 potential recruits. (25 humans, 2 elves, 1 lemur, 1 robot, 1 wizard, 1 wonder witch, 1 wolf, and 1 zombie)


Outside of HQ is a small platform from which Sims can access the train station. For the beginning part of the game, Yuki stalks HQ as a "not so secret" spy. When the player question her, she talks about face biting as a distraction. Yuki later leaves after the player comes back from the Boudreaux Mansion and runs the Muba Shop at The Boardwalk.

The Lobby is the main floor where all operations of the Sim Protection Agency take place. The player can talk to front desk receptionist Jenny to send teams on dispatch missions and receive debriefings after a mission is complete. The player also has an area with a desk, the computer to manage teams on each floor, a phone to call potential recruits, and the Derobenator 9000 to change their clothes. Roxie's computer and science desk are nearby as well, where she analyzes substances and objects the player sends to her.

The Hangar is the top floor of Headquarters. It has a small room with 2 armchairs, 2 sofas, an arcade machine where the player can play all the hacking, Lock picking, and analyzing puzzles they encountered in past cases, as well as Plane Vs. Eye with the recruits, as well as the trophy case, which contains all the trophies collected throughout the game. There is also an outside patio area where the player can add objects and decoratives and the recruits hang out between missions. There is also a landing pad nearby for the private jet, which can be used to travel to the Chalet, Boudreaux Mansion, and Jungle Temple, as well as rewatching the end credits.

The now-defunct official MySims Agents website once previewed the Hangar and its customization options. While similar looking to the hangar in the final game, this version had a smaller grid for object placement.

The Loft is the 2nd floor of Headquarters. It has large windows with a nice view outside, as well as a set of stairs leading down to a small space where decoratives and furniture to be placed and the recruits hang out between missions.

The Patio is the 1st floor of Headquarters, right below the Lobby. It has an indoor hallway with bookshelves and windows with a nice view, leading to the outside patio where decoratives and furniture can be placed and the recruits hang out between missions.

The Basement is a dimly lit room underneath Headquarters. It has a small staircase leading to the main section where furniture and decoratives can be placed and the recruits can hang out between missions.


Objects can be obtained by completing dispatch missions, opening chests around town, or looking inside other objects. Placing objects on the different levels increase the rates for the interest it falls under.

39 objects fall under the Paranormal1 Paranormal interest category.

Object Interests
"Who’s There?" Paranormal1Paranormal1
"Caught The Creepies" Paranormal1Paranormal1Paranormal1Paranormal1
Seance Circle Paranormal1Paranormal1Paranormal1Paranormal1Smarts1
Sarcophagus Paranormal1Paranormal1Paranormal1Paranormal1Charisma1
Hypno-Disc Paranormal1Paranormal1Paranormal1Smarts1
Evil Tome Paranormal1Paranormal1Smarts1
Telescope Smarts1Smarts1Paranormal1
Jack-in-the-Box Paranormal1
Space Mutant Sofa Paranormal1Paranormal1Paranormal1
Space Mutant Lounge Chair Paranormal1Paranormal1
Space Mutant Coffee Table Paranormal1Paranormal1
Space Mutant End Table Paranormal1Paranormal1
Advanced Alien Sofa Paranormal1Paranormal1Paranormal1
Advanced Alien Lounge Chair Paranormal1Paranormal1
Advanced Alien Coffee Table Paranormal1Paranormal1
Advanced Alien End Table Paranormal1Paranormal1
Weird Science Bed Paranormal1Paranormal1Smarts1
Gothic Bed Paranormal1
Mausoleum Bed Paranormal1
Carnivorous Plant Nature1Nature1Nature1Nature1Paranormal1
Poster of Robo Gnome Paranormal1Paranormal1Paranormal1Smarts1Smarts1
Voodoo Doll Paranormal1Paranormal1
Moai Head Paranormal1Paranormal1Paranormal1Smarts1Smarts1
Gold Statue Paranormal1Paranormal1Paranormal1Smarts1
Mythical Mask Paranormal1Paranormal1Paranormal1
Theatrical Mask Paranormal1Paranormal1Charisma1
Tribal Mask Paranormal1Paranormal1Athletic1
Ceremonial Mask Paranormal1Paranormal1Nature1
Alien Paranormal1Paranormal1
Pink Freezer Bunny Paranormal1Paranormal1Smarts1
Blue Freezer Bunny Paranormal1Paranormal1Smarts1
Gargoyle Paranormal1Paranormal1Smarts1
Rare Brain Fish Specimen Paranormal1Paranormal1Paranormal1Smarts1
Space Ship Paranormal1Smarts1
Robot Statue Smarts1Smarts1Paranormal1
Dinosaur Skull Nature1Paranormal1
Pluto Decoration Smarts1Smarts1Paranormal1Paranormal1
Harlequin Mask Charisma1Charisma1Paranormal1
Angry Tiki Nature1Nature1Paranormal1Paranormal1

36 objects fall under the Nature1 Nature interest category.

Object Interests
"Sparkling Snow" Nature1Nature1
"Temple Shakala" Nature1Nature1Nature1Nature1
Carnivorous Plant Nature1Nature1Nature1Nature1Paranormal1
Tent Nature1Nature1Nature1
Picnic Blanket Nature1Nature1Charisma1Charisma1
Campfire Nature1Nature1Athletic1
Fountain Nature1Nature1
Wooden Organ Piano Nature1Smarts1
Electric Stove Charisma1Nature1
Gray Kitty Sofa Nature1Nature1Nature1
Gray Kitty Lounge Chair Nature1Nature1
Orange Tabby Sofa Nature1Nature1Nature1
Orange Tabby Lounge Chair Nature1Nature1
Wood Lacquer Coffee Table Nature1Charisma1
Wood Lacquer End Table Nature1Charisma1
100% Organic Bed Nature1Nature1Nature1
Large Fish Tank Nature1Nature1Nature1Nature1Charisma1
Fish Tank Nature1Nature1Nature1Charisma1
Ant Farm Nature1Nature1Smarts1
Jade Dragon Nature1Nature1Charisma1Charisma1
Happy Tiki Nature1Nature1Charisma1Charisma1
Angry Tiki Nature1Nature1Paranormal1Paranormal1
Ivy Trellis Nature1Nature1Nature1
Bunny Cookie Jar Nature1Nature1Charisma1
Dinosaur Skull Nature1Paranormal1
Stuffed Bee Doll Nature1Smarts1
Moose Head Nature1
Lawn Flamingo Nature1
Round Cement Planter Nature1
Small Office Plant Nature1
Large Office Plant Nature1
Potted Tree Nature1Nature1
Earth Decoration Smarts1Smarts1Nature1Nature1
Ceremonial Mask Paranormal1Paranormal1Nature1
Celebratory Mask Charisma1Charisma1Nature1
Floral Print Surfboard Athletic1Athletic1Nature1

28 objects fall under the Athletic1 Athletic interest category.

Object Interests
"Extreme Sports Jam" Athletic1Athletic1
"This Game Cheats" Athletic1Athletic1Athletic1Athletic1
Gym Lockers Athletic1Athletic1Athletic1Athletic1
Weight Bench Athletic1Athletic1Athletic1Charisma1
Treadmill Athletic1Athletic1Athletic1
Hyper-Gyro Dance Sphere Athletic1Athletic1Athletic1Athletic1
Mechanical Bull Athletic1Athletic1Athletic1
Practice Dummy Athletic1Athletic1Athletic1Smarts1
Water Cooler Charisma1Charisma1Charisma1Athletic1
Soft Drink Vending Machine Athletic1
Refrigerator Smarts1Athletic1
Sporty Sofa Athletic1Athletic1Athletic1
Sporty Lounge Chair Athletic1Athletic1
Sporty Coffee Table Athletic1Athletic1
Sporty End Table Athletic1Athletic1
Bleachers Athletic1Athletic1Charisma1
Sports Balls Decoration Athletic1Athletic1
Floral Print Surfboard Athletic1Athletic1Nature1
Extreme Surfboard Athletic1Athletic1Charisma1
Shelf of Snowboards Athletic1Athletic1
Stadium Lighting Fixture Athletic1Athletic1Athletic1Charisma1
Scoreboard Athletic1Athletic1Athletic1Smarts1
Kickboxing Gloves Athletic1Athletic1Smarts1
Knight Armor Athletic1Athletic1Athletic1
Paladin Armor Athletic1Athletic1Athletic1
Campfire Nature1Nature1Athletic1
Mercury Decoration Smarts1Smarts1Athletic1Athletic1
Tribal Mask Paranormal1Paranormal1Athletic1

49 objects fall under the Charisma1 Charisma interest category.

Object Interests
"Master Chef At Work" Charisma1Charisma1
"Swamp Swamp Rock" Charisma1Charisma1Charisma1Charisma1
Baby Grand Piano Charisma1Charisma1Smarts1
Picnic Blanket Nature1Nature1Charisma1Charisma1
Mad Skillz Guitar and Amp Combo Charisma1Charisma1
DJ Booth Charisma1Charisma1
Dance Floor Charisma1Charisma1
Speaker (2) Charisma1Smarts1
Podium Smarts1Smarts1Charisma1
Bookshelf Smarts1Smarts1Charisma1
Television Charisma1
Hot Tub Charisma1Charisma1
Sink Charisma1
Electric Stove Charisma1Nature1
Chef's Stove Charisma1Charisma1
Snow-Cone Machine Charisma1
Supercomputer Station Smarts1Smarts1Smarts1Charisma1
Hi-Definition Supercomputer Smarts1Smarts1Smarts1Smarts1Charisma1
Classy Sofa Charisma1Charisma1Charisma1
Classy Lounge Chair Charisma1Charisma1
Fancy Stone Coffee Table Charisma1Charisma1
Fancy Stone End Table Charisma1Charisma1
Desk Smarts1Smarts1Charisma1
Executive Chair Charisma1Charisma1
Wood Lacquer Coffee Table Nature1Charisma1
Wood Lacquer End Table Nature1Charisma1
Classy Bed Charisma1Charisma1Charisma1
Pink Heart Bed Charisma1
Capsule Vending Machine Charisma1Charisma1
Jade Dragon Nature1Nature1Charisma1Charisma1
King Tut Exhibit Smarts1Smarts1Charisma1Charisma1
Sarcophagus Paranormal1Paranormal1Paranormal1Paranormal1Charisma1
Water Cooler Charisma1Charisma1Charisma1Athletic1
Stadium Lighting Fixture Athletic1Athletic1Athletic1Charisma1
Weight Bench Athletic1Athletic1Athletic1Charisma1
Bleachers Athletic1Athletic1Charisma1
Egyptian Vase Charisma1
Greek Vase Charisma1
Ming Vase Charisma1
Celebratory Mask Charisma1Charisma1Nature1
Harlequin Mask Charisma1Charisma1Paranormal1
Bunny Cookie Jar Nature1Nature1Charisma1
Lawn Gnome Charisma1Charisma1Smarts1
Large Fish Tank Nature1Nature1Nature1Nature1Charisma1
Fish Tank Nature1Nature1Nature1Charisma1
Jupiter Decoration Smarts1Smarts1Charisma1Charisma1
Happy Tiki Nature1Nature1Charisma1Charisma1
Theatrical Mask Paranormal1Paranormal1Charisma1
Extreme Surfboard Athletic1Athletic1Charisma1

48 objects fall under the Smarts1 Smarts interest category.

Object Interests
"Science In Progress" Smarts1Smarts1
"Nerdy Chicks Rule" Smarts1Smarts1Smarts1Smarts1
Computer Workstation Smarts1Smarts1Smarts1
Supercomputer Station Smarts1Smarts1Smarts1Charisma1
Hi-Definition Supercomputer Smarts1Smarts1Smarts1Smarts1Charisma1
Bookshelf Smarts1Smarts1Charisma1
Telescope Smarts1Smarts1Paranormal1
Tesla Coil Smarts1Smarts1
Refrigerator Smarts1Athletic1
Podium Smarts1Smarts1Charisma1
Practice Dummy Athletic1Athletic1Athletic1Smarts1
Baby Grand Piano Charisma1Charisma1Smarts1
Wooden Organ Piano Nature1Smarts1
High-Tech Sofa Smarts1Smarts1Smarts1
High-Tech Lounge Chair Smarts1Smarts1
High-Tech Coffee Table Smarts1Smarts1
High-Tech End Table Smarts1Smarts1
Desk Smarts1Smarts1Charisma1
High-Tech Bed Smarts1Smarts1
Weird Science Bed Paranormal1Paranormal1Smarts1
Poster of Robo Gnome Paranormal1Paranormal1Paranormal1Smarts1Smarts1
Ant Farm Nature1Nature1Smarts1
Earth Decoration Smarts1Smarts1Nature1Nature1
Mercury Decoration Smarts1Smarts1Athletic1Athletic1
Jupiter Decoration Smarts1Smarts1Charisma1Charisma1
Saturn Decoration Smarts1Smarts1Smarts1Smarts1
Pluto Decoration Smarts1Smarts1Paranormal1Paranormal1
Moai Head Paranormal1Paranormal1Paranormal1Smarts1Smarts1
King Tut Exhibit Smarts1Smarts1Charisma1Charisma1
Scoreboard Athletic1Athletic1Athletic1Smarts1
Speaker (2) Charisma1Smarts1
Pink Freezer Bunny Paranormal1Paranormal1Smarts1
Blue Freezer Bunny Paranormal1Paranormal1Smarts1
Rook Chess Piece Smarts1
Knight Chess Piece Smarts1
Robot Statue Smarts1Smarts1Paranormal1
Rare Brain Fish Specimen Paranormal1Paranormal1Paranormal1Smarts1
Water Tank Smarts1Smarts1
Space Ship Paranormal1Smarts1
Toy Robot Smarts1Smarts1
Stuffed Bee Doll Nature1Smarts1
Gold Statue Paranormal1Paranormal1Paranormal1Smarts1
Evil Tome Paranormal1Paranormal1Smarts1
Seance Circle Paranormal1Paranormal1Paranormal1Paranormal1Smarts1
Hypno-Disc Paranormal1Paranormal1Paranormal1Smarts1
Kickboxing Gloves Athletic1Athletic1Smarts1
Gargoyle Paranormal1Paranormal1Smarts1
Lawn Gnome Charisma1Charisma1Smarts1



Featured Location Locations
Locations in MySims

Town Square | Forest | Desert | Gardens

Locations in MySims Kingdom
Capital Island | Isle of Magic | Cowboy Junction | Renée's Nature Preserve | Rocket Reef | Candypalooza | Forest of the Elves | Cutopia | Spookane | The Royal Academy | The Uncharted Isle | Trevor Island | Reward Island
Ski Slope | River's Edge | Mangrove Forest | Beach | Star Gazing Plateau | Snow Field | Town Hall Place | Tennis Court | Zoo
Locations in MySims Party
Center Flower Garden | Twinkle Hills | Sunshine Beach | Mystery Forest
Beach | Meadow | Forest | Desert | Town
Locations in MySims Racing

Speedville | Greenwood Forest | Snowy Mountain | Stunt Land Theme Park | Racetracks

Driving School | Tumbleweed Track | Tree Logger Trail | Sunset Slalom | Sugar Rush Speedway | Mount Shiverest | Misty Motorway | Gopher Gulch | Darkwood Falls | Crescendo Cruise | Chilly Hill Village | Bayou Boardwalk | Dr. F's Daredevil Drive | Crater Lake | Pinball Canyon
MySims Raceway | Greenwoods Park | Oasis Canyon | Crystal Mines | Fossil Fuel Mesa | Forest Bluffs | Space Hotel Sprint | Volcano Island | Polar Pursuit | Cruise-Line Chase | Lighthouse Beach | Mountain Slide
Locations in MySims Agents

Main Street | Headquarters | The Mountains | Industrial District | Boudreaux Mansion | The Boardwalk | Jungle Temple | Nightmare Realm

Station Plaza | Town Hall Plaza | Crystal Falls | East Village | Petting Zoo | Bayside | Open Meadow | Tiayrret Island | Little Lea Lake
Locations in MySims SkyHeroes

Lost Temple | Smuggler's Bay | Mount Smolder | SFB Capital Island | Megatropolis Prime | Jack Frost Skyport | MorcuFortress | Imperial Palace | Tin Town | Testing Grounds | Midnight Madness | Chemical Worksite


Badlands | Construction Site | Pirate Cove | Volcano | Supercomputer | Tiki Island
