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HankPortal Hank

Character Info[]

Role Fisherman

Hank is a fisherman in town. When the player first stumbles upon him, it takes three tries to speak with him before he finally caves and explains what's wrong. He says he'll go out of business because his fish orders disappeared with the rest of the town. After he explains his dilemma, the player can speak to Ellen in the Town Hall, where she returns a fishing pole that the player had lost from the community lost and found. The player can now go fishing in any body of water. After catching three fish, the player can give them to Hank, which will unlock a set of side tasks where the player must bring Hank the desired fish for Simoleons.


Name: Hank
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Occupation: Fisherman
Description: He knows his fish! He also does research on fishing poles.

Character Events[]

Not Enough Fish[]

Hank's Warehouse is gone and so are the fish. Get more fish for Hank!

Soft rod[]

You got a Flexible Fishing Rod! Use this rod to catch small fish. Go try it out!

Hard rod[]

You got a Hard Fishing Rod! Use this rod to catch big fish. Go try it out!

Making a New Rod[]

Making a new rod with Dr. F's help. You need a fish book, so show Hank the finished product!

Salvaged Fishing Rod[]

Hank and Dr, F were thinking of something different... But now you have a rod that catches anything but fish! Go try out the new rod.

Foreign Names[]

  • Dutch: Hank
  • English: Hank
  • French: Hans
  • Italian: Pietro
  • Spanish: Jacobo
  • Swedish: Hank

Physical Appearance[]

Hank is an older gentleman with brown skin and wrinkle lines on his face. His eyes are a light hazel color and his hair is black, styled in a messy sweep under his hat. He has a mustache in the "cowboy" style. He is wearing fisherman overalls (known as a "bib" or "waders") that are a mucky brown color, though the bottom half is slightly lighter. He is wearing black rubber boots or galoshes. Under his waders he is wearing a sagey green long-sleeve shirt. A brown ivy cap is perched upon his head, slightly askew.


