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Uitexture-NPC HotelManager 1 Def Buddy the Bellhop

Character Info[]

Townie or Commercial? Commercial Sim
Star Level Star Level 0
Role Bellhop
Residence Name
The [town name] Hotel

Buddy works at the Town Hotel as a bellhop, although he is the sole staff member. His dream is to build a rocket and venture into space. Buddy is one of the few starting residents when the player moves to town. He is young at heart, but takes his job with pride, though he can be a bit clumsy at times.


After [town name] went downhill, only one employee remained at the hotel: Buddy the Bellhop! He could have promoted himself to manager, but Buddy really isn't cut out for that kind of work. He's just a simple boy who wants to be the best bellhop he can be. There are two things Buddy's learned in life: stick to what you know, and don't touch the stove when it's hot.



Geeky Geeky


Tasty Tasty


Spooky Spooky

Starting Dialogues


Collecting Red Apples

  • Heya [player name]! I heard the Mayor has you gathering Apple Essences!

Before Helping Rosalyn

  • Oh, hiya pal! Buddy the bellhop at your service! Things are a little slow right now so I've been practicing my salutes. The next guest that stays here is gonna get the salutin' of a lifetime!
    • Oh yeah, I guess the Mayor wanted you for something. She's probably over in the Town Hall 'cuz that's where she works.

Request for more stuff

  • Our hotel sure is fancy-looking. I wonder how it would look if I could decorate it. Probably like a space station!

Star Level Dialogues

Star Level 0

  • Oh, hiya pal! How come no one will visit our great hotel? I can almost guarantee I won't drop their luggage a bunch! I guess no one trusts a clumsy bellhop…
    • Oh yeah, I heard you were going to help Poppy with her flower shop. That's good news! I'm pretty sure that flowers are something Poppy likes.

Star Level 1

  • Oh, hiya pal! Look! An actual guest just arrived on the train! Good thing I've been practicing my salutes. Hey, you should ask that Sim to move in. That will help [town name] grow, right?
    • Just talk to him and see if he'll move in. I'm pretty sure that's how it works…
  • Heya [player name]! Have you built a house for the Chef yet? He's the first guest we've had here in a long time!
  • Heya, pal! Thanks for moving that chef guy in. Can't wait to get me some pizza.
  • Hiya, pal! I think we can both agree: everyone respects a nice, crisp salute.
  • Maybe someday I could travel through space to a whole new planet, and be a bellhop there!
  • Mornings are my favorite time of the day. Why? Because that's when new guests arrive!
  • Oh, hey, pal! Can I tell you a little secret? I've always been a fan of sci-fi shows.

Star Level 2

  • Hey, pal, guess what! You've done such a good job setting up these great businesses that more people want to move into [town name]! (first time coming to the hotel when new guests arrive)
  • Hey, pal, do they have bellhops on spaceships? It sure would be neat to fly on a spaceship.
  • Heya pal, now that [town name] is a 2 Star town, there are a lot more people interested in moving here! Not only are more commercial establishments wanting to move here, but also regular folks like Patrick and Violet are starting to show up too.
  • Once I saluted someone so hard I knocked myself silly! I was out for hours!
  • People think bellhopping isn't an important job. But if that's true, then why do I have this fancy uniform?

Star Level 3

  • Gotta perfect my salute…if I can just keep my elbow tucked in, I'll get less drag on the upswing…
  • In space, I wouldn't have to worry about dropping people's luggage, 'cuz everything would float!
  • Oh, hiya pal! Boy, there sure are a lot of Sims coming through the hotel now. Is this all thanks to you? Wow!

Star Level 4

  • All this activity is making me a better bellhop. I only tripped nine times today!
  • My salutin' arm is getting sore! I have to put ice on it every night or it'll swell up like a pumpkin!
  • Whooosh! Pow pow! Don't worry Mr. Alien, Buddy the Space Bellhop will show you to your room! Kaboom!

Star Level 5

  • [player name], I knew it! I just knew if I stuck it out that our hotel would be great again some day! How can I ever thank you, pal?
  • So…so many guests…*pant* *pant* I can barely lift my salutin' arm, pal!
  • You've taught me something, pal: never give up! I'm proud to be your bellhop, [player name].

Best Friend

  • Dialogue: You did all this just for your ol' pal, Buddy? I don't know what to say, pal! I've got to invent a whole new salute just to show how I feel about you!
  • Reward: Buddy's eyes, mouth, bellhop hat and uniform, and Sculpture - Fireplace blueprint
  • Message: Buddy's uniform is now available in your dresser. Let's see that salute! And since Buddy is such a nice guy, he's also given you his special fireplace blueprint.

The Town Hotel

The Hotel will be named after whatever the player names the town. If the player does not change the default town name, it will be named The MyTown Hotel.


The exterior can be modified with the "Remodel" interaction on the hotel's mailbox.

Hotel Blocks

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Starting Exterior Interest Stats

  • 0% Cute
  • 0% Geeky
  • 2% Studious
  • 0% Spooky
  • 0% Tasty
  • 0% Fun


The Hotel has a big room and a medium room. The interior can be modified with the "Give Stuff" interaction on Buddy.

Big Room

The big room has a fountain, an elevator that the player cannot use, three counters painted with Mega Lizard and Tiger Essences; a chair painted with Chocolate Cake, Metal, Orange, Rocket, Snake, Spring, and Tiny Shark Essences, built to resemble two suitcases and a golf bag; and a coffee table painted with 8-Ball, Gold, Spring, and Stone Essences, built to resemble a luggage cart.

Medium Room

The medium room has four chairs painted with Clown Fish Essences, two coffee tables painted with Amber Essences, and a Sculpture - Fireplace painted with Bacon, Crab, Dark Wood, Gingerbread Man, Jack O'Lantern (which does not increase Buddy's disliked interest to the interior stats), Knight, Octopus, Robot, Snake, Spring, and Stone Essences (and built with 1 Star and 2 Gingerbread Man flairs).


  • Corner Fountain
  • Guest Book
  • Hotel Column
  • Hotel Corner Column
  • Hotel Fountain
  • Hotel Wall Lamp
  • Hotel Window
  • Key Rack
  • Suitcase
  • Theatre Plant
  • Trunk Studious
  • Wall Plant
  • World Map Studious

Starting Interior Interest Stats

  • 1% Cute
  • 15% Geeky
  • 5% Studious
  • 1% Spooky
  • 11% Tasty
  • 19% Fun